Saturday 31 May 2014


It has finally come Jammers! 1000 PAGEVIEWS! Whenever you want now for this weekend only, you can spend time in my den! You might just be able to meet me there too! ^.^ It's time for a celebration!!

Really? Is that the best you can do?! COME ON BIGGER!!!

Better, better... A little bit bigger?


Wait... But now how am I going to eat all of this? Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to get a lot more people in my den XD

Happy Jamming Everyone!

Woven Hat and Scammer Watch

Hey Jammers! We have a lovely new item entering Jam Mart Clothing today. This new item is none other than the woven hat!

Cute as a button every single one of them! Makes me think back to when I was really little. I always used to wear little woven sun hats like these..... Sorry nostalgia moment there. Stay with me because I have an important thing to talk about today!

I have decided to add a new tab at the top of the blog. This tab is called scammer watch. There, I will post examples of scams (I will be acting them out) so that you know what happens and what to look out for. Also, if you have any new types of scam you discovered that someone was using, tell me immediately in the comments on the Scammer Watch page! If I come across a scammer, and they’re terrible, I might just add them on to the Criminal List on the page!

To end off on a happy note, I am almost at 1000 pageviews! When I reach 1000 I am going to leave my den unlocked all day! If you’re lucky you might just catch me in there ^.^ By the way Jammers, my username is not Arcticstar but Arcticstar8404!

Happy Jamming!

Friday 30 May 2014

New Items After Update

Hello Jammers! I have a lot to get through today, so let's get started!

1. New Vine Rug

This new item ties in quite well with the nature theme AJ has been putting on lately, so wild, so animal jam!

2. Hyenas

I understand I mentioned these cool new creatures on yesterday's post, but here we are again! Hyenas can be found in the diamond shop for ten diamonds!

3. Summer Carnival and Cruise Ship Party Returns!

Yes Jammers! The summer carnival has returned and can be reached simply by clicking one of the many signs advertising the carnival's return around Jamaa. The cruise ship party has also returned, and can be reached, as usual, by clicking the party menu. *Note, I have a tip for you! If you want a phantom cotton candy, play the cotton candy minigame, do black, then white, then black, and you will get your very own phantom on a stick, edible edition! 

4. Jam A Gram Changes

We unfortunately no longer have the lovable cartoon drawings of animals. They have been replaced with real photos of animals, and all have something that says _____________ as a ______________. Example: Soft as a seal, proud as an eagle, smiley as a croc, goofy as a hyena, etc. I'm sure gonna miss those old jam a grams.

5. Armor

Pheonix armor is leaving the diamond shop, and spirit armor is returning! This is good, but kind of sad at the same time. Pheonix armor is great, and it is leaving. I yelled in despair when I saw that spirit armor is returning! I traded my rare headdress for the spirit armor, and now its returning?! OUTRAGE!! Err, ahem. The good thing is, it seems that there might be a new tail piece coming! Just look at this wolf's tail! 

6. Den Portals

A while back I did a post on den portals. Today we have an update on these wonderful inventions, as they have spread to Jam Mart Furniture. So far, you can only get a limited selection of the portals. Secondly, there are new OCEAN den portals! How exciting! And last but definitely not least, there are new den portals for non members available in the diamond shop for one diamond! Save up your diamonds jammers!

7. Sales around Jamaa

The Shiveer Shoppe Big Winter Blowout has just ended, and the Bahari Bargains Blowout has begun! Everything is half price now so make sure to by some new clothes for your animal before they become pricey again!


No joke, no lie jammers! AJ jump has been reduced to 99 cents but only for this weekend! Have you been begging your parents to let you download it? Well now you have a better reason to, as it has been reduced in price! I know I have to download it sometime soon!

9.  New Camouflage Jacket

Today’s new item is the camouflage jacket sold in Jam Mart Clothing! I think these would go well with the camouflage boots that is already sold in Jam Mart Clothing. 

10. New Poll On The Blog

I have taken the liberty to add in yet another poll into the blog! Feel free to show how you feel by voting ^.^

Phew! That was quite a long post! With that, I leave you to play wild jammers!

See you in Jamaa!

Thursday 29 May 2014

The Update We've All Been Waiting For and Pageview Party!

Hey Jammers! After a long time of anticipation, HYENAS ARE FINALLY HERE! Unfrotunately they are for diamonds, much to my disappointment. Let’s take a looksie shall we?

Here is the video introducing the new hyenas in Jamaa:

I have a short story for you today Jammers! I have acted out a scenario that actually happened a while back before people were sure about what the new animal was:

Before I close this post I should probably mention the new awesome things that have come to Jamaa!

First: AJ is going to release a new mobile app so that you can play wild wherever you want, whenever you want! ("play wild" that line was forced) It is thought to be released around October this year! Keep you eyes peeled for new info on it, and I will be sure to talk about it as well!

And last but definitely not least, I am planning to leave my den unlocked all day, and perhaps even throw some kind of party/celebration of some sort to celebrate 1000 pageviews (when I reach it) This is not a definite yes, but it is a certain maybe, as I might consider doing it.

With that, I leave you today jammers! Happy Jamming!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Buttercup Rug and Party Ideas

Hey Jammers! Today we have a new flower rug entering Jam Mart Furniture, the buttercup rug!

Finally, a non member rug! Its about time AJ does stuff for non members.

With the summer carnival coming soon, I thought, why not think of some new, cool ideas for parties? What do you think? Tell me in the comments what cool new parties you want to go to!

Happy Jamming!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Daisy Rug and MAC Answers

Hey Jammers! A nice addition to our growing line of flower themed furniture (see what I did there? okay thats not my best pun...) we have the all new daisy rug!

I had a lot of work to do last night, as my drama Monologue is today! I usually have trouble finding a good monologue, but I sure found a fitting one for me. Its called Humpty Dumpty, Private Egg, Hard Boiled Detective. I’ll include a link at the end of the post if anyone wants to read it ^.^ 

Yesterday's post was fun to do! Instead of writing Mystery Animal Challenge out in the title, I wrote MAC. Maybe I should make this a monthly thing, what do you think? Well, I suppose it will give me a good new topic for a Poll in the future. Remember, I read all comments, so if you have any suggestions for polls in the future- don't hesitate to tell me!

And the Mystery Animal is.........................................................................................

A KANGAROO! Gotchya! It seems that most of you guessed big cat of some sort or eagle ^.^ I bet you didn't see kangaroo coming! It would have seemed very much like me to have done a croc as well, but I didn't ^.^

With that, I should end this post- but not before I give you the link to my monologue ^.^ 

Happy jamming! 

Monday 26 May 2014

Rare Item Monday and Weekly Picture!

Hey Jammers! We have a new, and wonderful item which appears to have been dipped in paint! Those darned phantoms, they never clean up after themselves. Sigh.

It appears we still have the double tag problem. Hopefully AJ notices it and fixes it soon!

Here is this week's AJ picture! I have a challenge for you today! What animal is this? (its one of mine) It appears to just be floating eyes and spots wearing a heart locket... How strange and rather tacky...

Tell me in the comments! 

Happy Jamming!

Sunday 25 May 2014

Update On Blog Settings!

It has come to my awareness, that anonymous users are unable to comment! This really struck my attention, because people who aren't allowed google accounts, can't post! I have fixed this problem, and now anyone and everyone can comment on this blog ^.^ For those of you who don't bother reading this big stuff, here it is put simply and modernly.

#Shoutout #Anonymous

Shoutout! Anons can post now so awesome!

I think I just heard grammar roll in its grave O.o

Happy Jamming!

Lily Rug, Leaving Items and New Signature!

Today's new item is the beautiful Lily Rug! I wonder if your den would smell nice with this new item... Anywho, here it is! So summerish and cute! I like it!

In case you missed my last collection of leaving items: here it is!

Here is the UPDATED version of all the leaving items this month!

  • Emu Egg
  • Star Couch
  • Magma Lamp
  • Swords and Shield
  • Star Rug
  • Backpack
  • Blanket
  • Zios Mask
  • Golden Wattle

See you later Jamers!

Saturday 24 May 2014

New Items!

Here we go!

We have a few new items entering AJ these days! Some of these have previously been seen on the eagle mission!

We have our three sprinklers: Perfect for taking care of that lawn (you know you don't enough)

Next! The patched hat! Looks like AJ wants you to wear a hat while taking care of that lawn! It looks like it could work as a summer companion for the old blanket! 

Finally, we have one more hat coming to Jamaa today! it appears that we're expanding on the western theme! The pillbox hat!
To be completely honest, it looks like bananas on the side of a mesh hat instead of feathers on lace... Sorry AJ I shouldn't be critiquing your fashion sense!

Happy Jamming!'

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Update Let Down and Waterfall Sprinkler

I logged onto AJ this morning expecting hyenas and so many awesome new features- when I was let down. All that came with the "Big Update" is the new waterfall sprinkler! Not the worst, but I'm kind of disappointed. Oh well. Here is the new item!

Quite nice! ^.^ I'm going to have to take care of my den's lawn better this year! That won't be such a problem with this new item though!

Happy Jamming!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Possible Hyena Update?

I logged on when AJHQ delivered a message saying that AJ was going to close for an update in 10 mins! How exciting! Could this be the new hyena update? We'll have to see tomorrow! Actually I want to check now!!!

Really?! Come on google! I thought you were my friend.... Sniff Sniff 

Looks like we have to wait until tomorrow. :(  Make the update good AJ!

Happy Waiting!

Small Updates In AJ

Looks like we haven't much action from AJ today. Kind of disappointing, but it gives me a chance to write a shorter post for once! So let's breeze through this shall we?

Today we have the new fountain sprinkler! Eagles can sometimes get items before they are released on the new adventure- how interesting! For instance, I got a lily rug from an adventure, as well as the rare elf armor before Rare Item Monday! How interesting- at least you can save your gems now! ^.^

I must say, I quite like it! In a later post I might show you my Lily Rug! 

Secondly, and also lastly, AJ has released a new post today! It's a new creature feature on Box Turtles! Here is the link to view the post:

With that, I will end my post! After all, it seems like AJ is tired and doesn't feel like posting much!

See you in Jamaa!

Signatures (made by me)

Hello Jammers! I have decided to take up a new hobby! Making pictures!

You have probably noticed by now my personal signatures at the bottom of each post! I would like to do more of them for more people! All are done by me, first using a background image. Just send me a background for you and some requests (guidelines) and I'll try to get a personalized signature to you ASAP! Just make sure that at some point you give me credit! Tell me first in the comments if you would like one.

Some Examples:

Also, if your own animal as your picture, use the photo booth minigame in AJ and send me the picture for me to make it into a signature!

Note: I prefer not to give my own email out to public, thus you can contact me at my second email: 

Remember to tell me in the comments first before you request one, because I usually do not check my Sweet Melody profile!

Happy Jamming!  

Monday 19 May 2014

NM Awareness Week Poll Closing!

The poll is coming to a close- and is to be replaced with a new poll! I want to keep a poll up all the time on this blog, so I need ideas! I have come up with a new poll, but I need more suggestions- so I'll take almost anything in!

The new poll is... Drumroll please!

What was the best thing about the Beta Days? If you check the side of the blog, you'll see I have taken the liberty to add this new poll! Please vote away!

Weekly AJ Picture

You know what time it is! Yes jammers it is time for the weekly AJ picture! I suspect you are getting tired of seeing crocs every week, so here is this week's picture!

With all these old items returning with the Eagle Adventure, I have decided to give you.... Beta Animal Jam!!

That gives me ideas for a new section of the Animal Jam Legend! ^.^ Maybe I'll play around with this stuff in the future... Hmmmmm......

Well, I'm going to think about that as I end this post! See you in Jamaa!

Leaving Items and Snow Leopard Glitch

It looks like I didn’t mention all the leaving items in yesterday’s post, so let me tackle it again!

Here is the UPDATED version of all the leaving items this month!

  • Emu Egg
  • Star Couch
  • Magma Lamp
  • Swords and Shield
  • Star Rug
  • Backpack
  • Blanket
  • Zios Mask

Wow thats a lot of items leaving- hopefully some new ones will come soon. To leave you on a cheery note, matching with last week, here is today’s rare!

Nice! If they release matching bracelets and tail armour, we’ll have a complete set! I quite like this as its in my colour scheme ^.^ Wait a minute- hate to be overly critical, but why is last day and rare overlapping? We have had plenty of RIM’s in the past, and we all know they only stay for one day. No need to remind us AJHQ! They probably wanted to make sure that this cool new item was noticed :D

And now for the snow leopard glitch! It seems that underwater items have snow leopards all over them! How peculiar... You kitties do realize you can't even wear any of them right?

Anywho, I should end this post!

Have a Jamtastic day!

Sunday 18 May 2014

New Updates In the Month of May!!

There are so many cool new updates in AJ, now without further ado- let's dive in!!

1. The Forgotten Desert: NEW EAGLE MISSION!
This cool new mission is completely different from the other mission- stay tuned and I will post a short summary of the mission in the next few days ^.^  

This mission brings back betas, rares and brings in new items!!! How exciting!!

2. Den Portals: 

Wow- that's a first!!  This is so cool- helpful for going to your friends den quickly!!  

How cool is that? I'll explain these in further depth in a few days in my first ever Cool Item Spotlight post!

3. The two H's: Hyenas and Hummingbirds!!
Returning and coming- how exciting! Can't wait to see what hyenas look like! Looks like I'm gonna have to save up diamonds for hummingbirds... For now check out the cool video about hyenas in the news tab on AJ!

4. New Items and Clearance Items

There are items coming and leaving Jamaa- here are some of them:

Coming: Fairy Princess Hat, Tennis Rackets, Inline Skates, Ten Gallon Hat, Pet Cardboard Castle, Bowler Hats, and Shutter Shades!!

Leaving: Emu Eggs, Star Couch, Magma Lamp, Swords and Shield, Star Rug, and Backpack

5. Eagle: Mythical SpiritClaw

This is the least important, but I got an eagle ^.^ 

In case you're wondering: this is my style
  • Rare Aviator Helmet
  • Jamaaliday Scarf
  • Rare Freedom Glove
  • Rare Snowflake Cape

And with that, I will conclude my excessively long post!! Happy Jamming and see you in Jamaa!!